When Choosing a Unvented Fireplace

Purchasing a fireplace is nothing like buying groceries; it requires consideration of thought and technical details involved. Hence, people usually find themselves baffled when out looking for fireplaces. But this doesn’t mean the process is too complicated to be undertaken. If one sticks to some basic points, there are little chances of getting wrong. For unvented ethanol burning fireplaces, here are some critical points worth consideration;

Room size 

If you have planned of buying a fireplace, then, there must be someplace in the home where you wish to install it. Even though fireplaces from brands like Inflame INCare highly mobile and could be easily taken from one place to another, there must be one place where you must have imagined it to be most appropriate. To make a perfect purchase, you have to keep the dimensions of that very room (and also the second best) in mind. It will help you in choosing the most appropriate model for your use.


Once the decision about location has been made, one need to see what type of fireplace would be fit considering the space and positioning. Wall mounted and free standing fireplaces are the two models in great demand nowadays. While making a choice, space available in the room plays a critical role. Wall mounted obviously serve better in a smaller apartments. It benefits to go through the models available on website or in person.


There are a number of technicalities that should be taken into consideration when choosing an unvented fireplace. Details about shutdown mechanism, heat control and fuel capacity are very critical from the point of safety and convenience. Questions about fireplace alcohol gel that is to be used are also worth raising. Some companies like Inflame Store also provide ethanol fuels that work best in their fireplaces.


When installing fireplaces, safety is the element that bothers customers the most. It is primarily because of the fire element involved. To ensure safety of dear ones and house as well, one should prefer buying from a company whose products have the required accreditations and safety approvals from appropriate government authorities. To guarantee the same, one can look for label and logo of the certifying agency. In case of online buying, one can look for safety approvals on website and confirm on the product too.


Reputation of the fireplace manufacturer is very important. It is better to buy from a company with years of experience in the field rather than from a new player. Experienced firms are likely to be more informed about safety standards and other details. Presence in international markets is also a plus point for a fireplace company. In addition to the discussed points, one can also see whether the firm specialize in the fireplace business or has a minor presence. Availability of different fireplaces varieties, fuels, fireplace outdoor burner accessories, fragrances and other related products signify specialization.


Everyone knows that fireplaces don’t come cheap but it is certainly not wise to accept any price quoted by the company. Companies shortlisted on the basis of points mentioned above should be compared on the basis of price tag. While there may be price variations in terms of huge quality differences, similar products should fall in the same bracket. There are a number of firms offering affordable fireplaces and hunting for them is worth the time. However, one should be wary of compromising quality for a better deal.

So, these are points that can guarantee you the best fireplace in the market.

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